The only true gain ​is the knowledge ​you gain along the ​way .


Soon on ​DexScre​ener


Grainy Dynamic Background
Quotation Mark

Manage Your Risk.

Quotation Mark




Grainy Dynamic Background


Quotation Mark

They say PUMPKEY lost ​everything in the Great ​Apefolio Massacre of '21. ​But whispers tell of a ​hidden stash he's hodling ​for the next pump season.

Quotation Mark


0.97% DeV

99.03% Pump.fun


  1. Develop content.
  2. Create a Community.
  3. LAunch on Pump.fun.
  4. develop more content.
  5. Get to Dex Screener.
  6. Pay for Dex screener profile (marketing wallet).
  7. Get Ads running on Dex Screener (marketing ​wallet).
  8. Work on Listing the project on Centralized ​Exchanges (CEX).
  9. Keep improving the content.

Content includes: Creating an animated version of PumpKey ​and running a channel on Youtube, where Pumpkey will bring ​Educational content.

Bring out PumpKey Merchandise and goodies at attractive ​prices, create a Staking System and overall creating a ​system where pumpkey can be used as a store of value.

100% Transparent!


Grainy Dynamic Background
Quotation Mark

PUMPKEY wasn't always a wise meme coin Trader. He was just another wide​-eyed ape, lured into the jungle of crypto by promises of lambos. He pil​ed into every shiny new meme coin, chasing the pump and getting wrecke​d by rug pulls. Dejected and broke, PUMPKEY sat alone, picking throug​h the wreckage of his portfolio.

He sh​a​res his hard-earned wisdom with fellow degens, guiding them throug​h the treacherous WorLd OF crypto. He may have a few scars from r​ug pulls, but his fur is flecked with moon dust, a constant remind​er of his journey. he hodls for the community.

PUMPK​E​Y IS NOW A Motivator, an active crypto influencer and someone who ca​lculates his Risk.

Quotation Mark
Grainy Dynamic Background
Speech Bubble

This beauty's a symbol ​of hard work and ​smart investing.

Speech Bubble

sometimes the best ​gains come from the ​most unexpected meme ​coins.



Whose Side Are You On?